Instructions for Participating
Welcome to the research study Is the Quiver Full: Fertility in Religious Sub populations of Trinidad and Tobago. Before participating, please review the study information and provide your consent. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time. To participate you must complete this consent form. Read each section carefully and click “Agree” or “I Agree and Continue to the Survey” when prompted.
purpose of the study
This study examines the relationship between fertility patterns and religious beliefs, aiming to understand how religious perspectives may influence reproductive decisions and experiences.
Eligibility and Inclusion Criteria
- You must be between 18 and 60 years of age.
- Members of a religious denomination attending religious service 3 or more times per month.
- Residents of Trinidad and Tobago for at least 20 years. Citizen, Permanent residents or persons in the naturalization process
- Survey respondents can be in any state of life, with or without children.
Study Procedures and Time Commitment
Study Procedures and
Time Commitment
- You will complete an online survey that includes questions about your fertility history and your religious beliefs and practices.
- The survey will take approximately 15 minutes.
- There is an opportunity for Survey respondents to also participate in a focus group however that is an option activity, subject to you sharing a means of contact.
Risks, Discomfort and Benefits
Risks and Discomfort:
While there are no physical risks, some survey questions may involve personal or sensitive topics that might cause emotional discomfort.
There is no direct personal benefit, but your participation will contribute to valuable research on fertility and religiosity that may benefit society and inform future policies.
If you experience emotional distress while completing the survey, please consider the following steps:
1. Pause and Breathe: Take a moment to stop and focus on calming yourself. It’s perfectly okay to step away from the survey if needed.
2. Determine next steps: Decide whether you will complete the online survey. If your emotional distress please choose to not continue.
3. Reach Out for Support: Contact a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional if you feel overwhelmed.
4. Contact the Research Team: If you have concerns about the survey questions or need further assistance, please contact the Principal Investigator.
Risks, Discomfort and Benefits
Risks and Discomfort:
While there are no physical risks, some survey questions may involve personal or sensitive topics that might cause emotional discomfort.
There is no direct personal benefit, but your participation will contribute to valuable research on fertility and religiosity that may benefit society and inform future policies.
If you experience emotional distress while completing the survey, please consider the following steps:
1. Pause and Breathe: Take a moment to stop and focus on calming yourself. It’s perfectly okay to step away from the survey if needed.
2. Determine next steps: Decide whether you will complete the online survey. If your emotional distress please choose to not continue.
3. Reach Out for Support: Contact a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional if you feel overwhelmed.
4. Contact the Research Team: If you have concerns about the survey questions or need further assistance, please contact the Principal Investigator.
Confidentiality, Data Storage and Usage
- Your responses will be anonymous and stored securely on encrypted servers.
- Data will be anonymously stored and reported in aggregate form only. No identifying information will be shared with third parties.
Data Storage and Retention:
- Data will be stored for 3 years and then deleted.
- Only the research team and authorized personnel will have access to the data.
- The results of the survey will be available on this website on September 15 2025.
- A data quality assessment will be made October 2025 to determine whether the data can be used as the source of a peer review journal submission.
Voluntary Participation, Withdrawal & Compensation
Voluntary Participation:
- Your participation is entirely voluntary. You can decline to answer any question or withdraw at any point without penalty.
- If you decide to withdraw, please note that data already collected may still be used in aggregate analyses, but your identity will not be linked.
- There are no incentives or compensations for participants of the online survey.
For any questions about the study or your rights as a participant, please contact the Principal Investigator: Taresa Best Downes
Confidentiality, Data Storage and Usage
- Your responses will be anonymous and stored securely on encrypted servers.
- Data will be anonymously stored and reported in aggregate form only. No identifying information will be shared with third parties.
Data Storage and Retention:
- Data will be stored for 3 years and then deleted.
- Only the research team and authorized personnel will have access to the data.
- The results of the survey will be available on this website on September 15 2025.
- A data quality assessment will be made October 2025 to determine whether the data can be used as the source of a peer review journal submission.
Voluntary Participation, Withdrawal & Compensation
Voluntary Participation:
- Your participation is entirely voluntary. You can decline to answer any question or withdraw at any point without penalty.
- If you decide to withdraw, please note that data already collected may still be used in aggregate analyses, but your identity will not be linked.
- There are no incentives or compensations for participants of the online survey.
For any questions about the study or your rights as a participant, please contact the Principal Investigator: Taresa Best Downes
Consent Statement:
By clicking “Agree” below, you confirm that you have read and understood all the information provided in this consent form. You agree to participate in this study and acknowledge:
- That you meet the eligibility requirements (ages 18-60).
- That you understand the procedures, risks, and benefits involved.
- That you have been informed about data confidentiality, storage, and usage.
- That your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time without penalty.
- [Optional: Any additional statements regarding compensation or future use of data.]
I Agree and Continue to the Survey.